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Financial planner Robert Wright – BMB Private Wealth Tamworth

For five years, Financial Planner Robert Wright worked in corporate superannuation, where his ‘clients’ were financial advisers and planners. Seeing what they did and the way they worked with the end client appealed to him, so he did some research and soon found himself studying to become a planner.

Nearly twenty-five years later, Rob says the most rewarding part of his work continues to be making a difference to the lives of his clients – Whether that’s through helping them achieve their financial goals or being able to assist at a difficult time by having the appropriate insurance protection in place.

“I had a client who was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2016, and while it was an incredibly difficult time for their family, the Trauma Insurance and Income Protection Insurance we had in place meant that life could continue while she went through treatment,” Rob says.

“Financially, they were secure, which meant they did not need to move, the kids stayed at their private school, and the family could concentrate on her health. It was the first time I saw the incredible difference insurance can make, but it certainly has not been the last.”

Rob says what many people don’t realise is that every person’s financial position, and their needs, are unique.  The reason your friend or colleague went to see an adviser, may be very different to the reason you should meet with an adviser.

“While some people think we do the same thing as an accountant, financial planning is actually very different.  Accountants primarily help you revise what has happened in the tax year just gone – while a financial planner extends on that, and are focussed on looking forward and planning for the future.”

“My goal is always to provide a flexible, personal service to my clients.  BMB Private Wealth is more of a boutique service. I don’t want to build a business that loses the personal touch, and I don’t want to be a people manager.  I want to be able to serve my clients and to provide a quality personal and professional relationship,” Rob says.

BMB Private Wealth’s clients come from a broad cross-section of the community, and while many are at the pre-retiree and retirement stage of life, it is important to recognise that there are steps we should be taking when we are much younger to ensure our financial future is secure.

“The best piece of business advice I’ve been given is “you won’t know all the answers unless you know all the questions. When first starting out as an adviser I use to pre-empt my clients, and overthink what they needed from me before I’d finished talking to them.  My boss at the time – a very experienced adviser – said to me that you need to ask your clients all the questions, and listen to the answers, before you can understand what they need and provide the best possible help,” Rob says.

While Rob says the most challenging part of his work is keeping abreast of constant changes in rules and regulations, and constantly changing economic and investment conditions, he says he is committed to applying all this to get the best outcomes for his clients.

“I am a qualified Certified Financial Planner (CFP), and this is the highest designation for planners both in Australia and globally.  Our licensee also provides regular training days, webinars and articles to keep us up to date with technical, product and strategy changes.  I also regularly access training and articles provided by investment and insurance companies.

“I’m committed to doing this because I want my clients to have peace of mind that the advice I am giving them will see them through the tough times, and have them ready to enjoy a secure financial future.”

Robert Wright is a Sub-Authorised Representative of BMB Private Wealth Pty Ltd, Corporate Authorised Representative No. 465366. Authorised Representative No. 263537.

Professional Qualifications: Diploma of Financial Planning
Certified Financial Planner®