While many of us would never consider driving a car or owning a home without insurance, less than one third of Australians protect our most important asset – our ability to earn an income.
Research has consistently shown that we fail to take out adequate levels of insurance to protect ourselves and our families.
Why is this a problem? More than three in every four Australians will be diagnosed with a serious illness in their working life. The majority of us will rely on savings, resort to selling assets or depend on government welfare. The reality is that many Australians will face significant financial hardship in the unexpected event of injury, illness or death.
Financial burdens at a time of immense personal pressure often lead to family and personal relationship breakdowns.
For this reason, we believe that sufficient Personal Protection is the cornerstone of a sound financial strategy.
Our approach to risk mitigation includes:
- Income Protection
- Life Insurance
- Trauma
- Total and Permanent Disability Insurance
To find out more, please feel welcome to contact us.