Tag Archives: Money

What tax deductions can I claim working from home?

By Robert Wright /July 20,2020/

According to the Australian Taxation Office, there are three ways to claim your home office running expenses.

The actual cost method

Under this method, your tax deductions include the actual costs of work-related expenses. This applies to things such as the costs of your home office furniture and fittings, as well as equipment such as computers and desks.

If the cost of depreciable home office items is less than $300 you may claim the full cost of these items as a tax deduction. If the cost of depreciable home office items is over $300, you may claim a deduction for the depreciation of these items.

If you regularly phone your employer or clients while you are away from your usual place of work, you can also claim a full tax deduction for the work-related portion of the phone calls you make at home and the cost of renting your phone.

Other costs you can claim a deduction for under the actual cost method include:

  • Internet access charges.
  • Printer and printer cartridges.
  • The cost of heating, cooling and lighting your home office, over and above the amount you would ordinarily pay if you did not work from home.
  • Any repairs to your home office furniture and fittings.

As your home isn’t considered to be a place of business, you can’t claim non work-related expenses under this method. This includes rent, the interest you pay on your mortgage and the cost of any insurance premiums.

The fixed cost method

Under this method, instead of tax deductions relating to the work portion of costs incurred at home, you can claim a rate of 52 cents per hour for expenses such as heating, lighting and cooling, come tax time. You can also apply the same rate when claiming a depreciation of home expenses, for example any furniture you’re now using in your home office.

The shortcut method

At the moment a special method, known as the shortcut method, is available to people working from home to claim work-related expenses as tax deductions. Please note however, that the special rate is only available from 1 March 2020 to 30 June 2020.

Under this method, each person in a household can claim expenses based on a rate of 80 cents an hour. So more than one person in a household – flatmates or members of the same family – can each claim a deduction for their expenses incurred that directly related to working from home. All that’s required to do so, is keeping a log of the hours you work.

The 80 cents per hour shortcut method seems like an easy way to work out your home office expenses come tax time. However, the risk for people using this method is that they won’t claim as much as they are entitled to under the other two methods. You also can’t claim the cost of equipment such as webcams and office furniture, as well as stationery or computer consumables like printer cartridges.

Whichever method you choose, it’s a good idea to keep accurate records of all your actual expenses, plus the hours you have worked. That will allow you to choose the best method when you or your tax agent prepares your tax return.

Source: BT

Economic Update

By visual /May 13,2020/

Market and Economic overview


The coronavirus ‘curve’ of known cases has flattened out, suggesting social distancing measures have been successful in slowing the spread of the disease.

The focus is now on a gradual easing of restrictions – people will gradually start returning to work as non-essential areas of the economy start to function again.

It will take time for conditions to normalise completely – borders remain closed to overseas visitors, for example, so tourism-related areas of the economy will continue to struggle.

It remains too early to say how significant the slowdown will be, but some observers have suggested the Australian economy could contract by approximately 5% in 2020. At the same time, consensus expectations suggest unemployment could double, from around 5% in February to perhaps 10% during the course of this year.

Job security is low and house prices appear likely to fall, which could further dampen sentiment. For now, credit card spending is running nearly -20% below the corresponding period a year ago, highlighting the current weakness in consumer confidence.

United States

By the end of April, more than 1 million people in the USA had been diagnosed with coronavirus.

Like other countries, the US had implemented various closures and restrictions. The ‘30 Days to Slow the Spread’ expired on 1 May 2020 and President Trump has suggested social distancing restrictions will not be extended.

Trump appears determined to reopen the economy as soon as possible, against the recommendations of some medical professionals. Ultimately, he wants the economy firing again in the run-up to the Presidential election in November.

The latest data showed the world’s largest economy shrank at an annual rate of -4.8% in the March quarter, even worse than consensus forecasts.

The downturn was due to economic disruptions in March. Data for the June quarter is expected to be worse still given more extensive closures during April, at least.


Much of Europe remains in lockdown, although numbers of cases vary quite markedly across the region. Germany – the largest economy in Europe – has much fewer cases than some other countries such as France, Italy, Spain and the UK. The economic impact might therefore differ between countries but will undoubtedly be significant overall.

Euro Area GDP growth declined at an annual rate of -3.3% in the March quarter and is expected to fall further in the June quarter.

Annual growth rates were lower still in some of the region’s major economies: France -5.4%; Italy -4.8%; and Spain -4.1%.

New Zealand

Restrictions have been eased in New Zealand; ‘Level 3’ measures are now in place – similar to those in Australia – after the more stringent ‘Level 4’ lockdown was no longer deemed necessary.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand remains very active with its recently introduced asset purchase program. The Bank is buying large amounts of government and local authority bonds to ensure the smooth operation of the local fixed income market.


China’s economy shrank at an annual rate of -6.8% in the March quarter; a sharp slowdown from the 6.0% year-on-year growth seen in the December quarter of 2019.

The industrial sector was hardest hit by the near two-month shutdown of non-essential parts of the economy.

Whilst alarming, the short-term contraction will not impede China’s long-term growth trajectory, according to officials. That said, conditions could remain subdued in the foreseeable future.

Australian dollar

The Australian dollar clawed back all of its lost ground from March. The currency gained 7.0% against the US dollar, closing April at 65.5 US cents. Similar strength was seen against other currencies too.


Most commodity prices finished the month of April stronger as demand uncertainty eased. Following sharp falls in March, copper (8.0%), nickel (8.0%) and zinc (3.4%) posted solid gains, although not enough to recover previous losses.

Iron ore (1.4%) reversed its downward trend on signs of a turnaround in Chinese manufacturing activity and reflecting China’s economic stimulus plans.

Oil prices (WTI Crude -26.6%) continued to fall, although stemmed losses towards month end on evidence of falling production.

The gold price (7.6%) again proved resilient against a backdrop of ongoing market uncertainty, while platinum (9.8%) and silver (10.1%) bounced back after March’s sharp falls.

Australian equities

The equity market recovery in the last week of March continued throughout April. The S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index rose 8.4%, registering its strongest monthly return since 1988.

Confidence was initially supported by the huge monetary and fiscal responses to the pandemic and later by encouragement that social distancing restrictions were proving effective.

The full impact of the virus remains unknown, however, and the shock to company earnings and balance sheets has placed additional pressure on dividend policies. At the same time, most companies have withdrawn earnings guidance.

Australia’s banks continued to underperform, as delays to mortgage payments and decreased property activity threaten earnings. The growing prospect of dividend cuts and the view that the banks will play a key role in supporting the economy has further dragged on investor sentiment.

Listed property

After plunging dramatically in March, global listed property markets rebounded in April. The COVID-19 situation continues to be the dominant driver of property securities. Due to virus containment measures globally, including widespread lockdowns, there are rising expectations for sweeping rent abatements across the sector, particularly in the most heavily hit sub-sectors such as discretionary retail. Many listed property securities globally have now withdrawn their earnings and dividend guidance due to the uncertainty.

 Global equities

Unprecedented levels of monetary and fiscal support helped global markets stage a remarkable recovery. The MSCI World Index bounced 10.6% in local currency returns in April – its strongest month since 1975. The appreciation of the Australian currency tempered global equity returns for domestic investors, with the MSCI World Index rising ‘only’ 3.7% in Australian dollar terms.

UK equities were the weakest performers in April, with oil giant Shell announcing a cut in its dividend. Financial stocks also weakened after Lloyds revealed a large drop in profits. Disappointing returns from energy and financials stocks have contributed to the underperformance of the MSCI World Value Index in recent months.

Global and Australian Fixed Income

Bond markets were substantially calmer in April compared to March as central bank support programs appeared to be having their desired effect.

The Reserve Bank of Australia, for example, has bought around $50 billion of government and state government bonds in the past few weeks. This has materially improved liquidity and helped steady the local bond market.

Benchmark 10-year US Treasury yields closed April just 0.03 percentage points lower, at 0.64%. Yields also declined in the UK, Germany and Japan, by 13 bps, 12 bps and 5 bps, respectively.

Australian yields moved in the opposite direction, though not significantly. The yield on 10-year Commonwealth Government bonds closed the month 13 bps higher, at 0.89%. This resulted in a modest negative return from the domestic bond market.

 Global credit

Like shares, corporate bonds were buoyed by an improvement in risk appetite globally. Credit spreads – the difference in yield between corporate bonds and comparable high-quality government bonds – narrowed substantially.

Companies looked to take advantage of improving risk appetite and strong inflows into the asset class by offering a substantial amount of new bonds. In some cases, this was to bolster their balance sheets to help cushion the impact of a more prolonged period of lower profitability.


Source: Colonial First State

Dividend cuts – what can investors expect?

By visual /May 13,2020/

Since the financial crisis more than a decade ago, investors have had to search much harder for income as savings rates have plunged.

Many have looked to the equity market to help them achieve better income returns, with large numbers of companies increasing dividend payments to shareholders as they have grown.

It is likely that equities will continue to provide a relatively attractive source of income for those comfortable with the risks of investing in the stock market. However, regrettably, dividend payments for most equity income investors are likely to be lower than in previous years for the foreseeable future as a result of the coronavirus crisis.

Here we explain why and give our views on the outlook for dividend payments over the medium and longer term.

The equity income fund model

Equity funds that have a focus on investing for income as well as the potential for capital growth are called equity income funds.

A dividend is an income payment from an investment. The dividends that investors receive from an equity income fund directly reflect the dividends received from companies that the fund holds shares in. This money is paid out to unit or shareholders in proportion to the size of their holdings.

One aim in managing an equity income fund can be to increase dividend payments to investors over time. A manager may aim to achieve this through focusing investment on successful businesses that have the potential to increase their dividend payments as they increase their profits. The income and capital value of an equity income fund can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount they invest.

How the coronavirus crisis has impacted companies’ dividend plans

The coronavirus crisis has blown the carefully laid plans of large numbers of companies around the world way off course.

For the time being, the revenue streams of many good businesses have been drastically reduced. And for some, in the most exposed sectors, they have effectively evaporated. All the while, there are costs that must still be met alongside obligations towards key stakeholders including employees, customers and suppliers.

As in any crisis, there are exceptions – some supermarkets, for example, have experienced a surge in sales during the lockdown period – but the management of a great many companies now have a single overriding focus: navigating their way through the current unprecedented conditions as best they can.

It should therefore come as no surprise that many companies have announced that they are reducing their dividend payments or in some cases, suspending them entirely. In most cases we believe this should be welcomed in the short term as it will provide necessary funds to shore up businesses, helping them to ensure their long-term viability once the immediate crisis has passed.

We expect to see more companies follow suit over the coming months, with many likely to err on the side of caution in setting their dividend policies, given the high degree of uncertainty we are all living with.

Companies that have been forced to accept Government assistance will find it difficult to continue paying dividends.  And in some countries, banks have been instructed not to pay to a dividend to preserve capital so that they can provide finance to companies that need it.

The knock-on impact on equity income funds

When investing in equities for income you are left with a choice between trying to maintain the level of your dividend income or accepting that it will fall.

Importantly, this does not have to mean abandoning an aim to grow your income over the long-term. This can sensibly remain a key consideration in your stock selection. Instead you may wish to consider each company on an individual basis, assessing how well they are positioned to come through the crisis without fundamental changes to their long-term business case, which will impact their ability to pay dividends going forward.

An insistence on maintaining the dividend of an equity income fund in the current environment would, in most cases, force you into investing in a narrow, less diversified range of stocks. Accepting a cut in the dividend on the other hand can allow you to maintain a focus on investing in the companies that are most likely to help you achieve your long-term objectives in both income and growth terms.

Bouncing back following a crisis

In the wake of crisis situations, companies that have cut their dividends to prioritise cash holdings that enable them to operate and trade effectively can often recover faster than those that have blindly pursued the maintenance of dividend targets set in a completely different environment.

When the economic environment improves, these companies have the potential to restore and grow their dividends again from a position of comparative strength. A look at past crises shows that the overall impact on the intrinsic value of a business from a temporary dividend cut is generally small and, for long-term investors, it is important not to lose track of that fact amid the short-term market noise.

The outlook for dividends and equity income investors over the medium and long term

The shape of the recovery from the coronavirus crisis remains far from clear. There are indications that the strict lockdown conditions in place in many countries could be relaxed reasonably soon, enabling some limited activity to resume.

Realistically however, we all face a long wait for anything approximating ‘business as normal’ to resume, given that the only route to achieving this appears to be the development and implementation of an effective vaccination programme on a global scale.

This is unlikely to come together until well into next year, even if one of the vaccines that have already begun human trials proves effective.

This means that dividend payments over the next three years or so are likely to remain well below levels seen in 2019. There is no precedent for the current crisis but estimates of the eventual cut in dividends for the UK market as a whole in 2020 have so far ranged from around 25% to as high as 50%.

Longer term, a return to ‘business as normal’ for the economy is likely to lead to a return to ‘business as normal’ for dividends and by extension equity income funds.

It is possible that we could begin to see more companies around the world adopt more conservative dividend policies along the lines of Asian businesses. However, the aftermath of past crises would suggest that while companies may change their behaviour for a couple of years, they often then revert to the way that things were before.

Source: Schroders.

Market Insight – Staying the Course

By visual /May 13,2020/

While it can be hard to stay in the market when share prices plummet, now is not the time to panic.

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has triggered a share market crash, in Australia and internationally. Since 31 December 2019, when the first cases of the new virus were reported in China’s Hubei province, the disease has spread rapidly to Europe, UK, North America, Asia, the Middle East and Australia.

We’re now seeing extraordinary disruption to economies and societies, at home and abroad, and the effect on share markets has been substantial. They’ve suffered major falls across all regions, as supply chains are disrupted and business activity is restricted.

It’s possible they’ll remain low or fall further as the shutdown measures put a squeeze on companies’ turnover and profits and damage consumer confidence. The Australian dollar has also fallen significantly against the benchmark US dollar.

At times like these, it can be easy to make knee-jerk decisions, but rash short-term thinking can often be counter-productive.

Fear-driven decision making

Seeing the value of your investments go down is never a pleasant feeling. Given the fear and uncertainty COVID-19 has caused in the community, many investors may feel panicked about the state of their portfolio.

Cutting your losses and moving your holdings into cash may seem a tempting option at this time. The emotion is understandable but allowing it to drive your decision making may not serve you well in the longer term.

Different assets classes produce different returns, at different times in the market cycle. A diversified investment strategy is often the surest way to grow the value of your portfolio over the long term.

You can also further diversify across fund managers and investment styles, so your portfolio is less vulnerable to a falling market. Different investment styles always perform differently throughout the investment cycle.

Moving your money into cash now, when the share market is so volatile, may only crystallise any losses and could leave you with insufficient funds to meet your long-term financial goals, such as having enough to retire on. And being out of the market may mean that you miss out when the market starts to recover again. Timing the market is almost impossible.

Legendary investor Warren Buffett is well known for his investment philosophy and strategy of holding the course when markets fall – and he’s one of the world’s most successful investors. One of his famous quotes is “our favourite holding period is forever”.

Dramatically changing course

While COVID-19 represents new territory for investors and businesses, chances are the market will stabilise in the medium to long term, that is, over the next three to five years. History has shown time and again that share markets have the ability to recover from significant market events and be a source of returns in the long term.

Reminding yourself of your long-term goals can be a good way to counter any sense of panic the current situation may have generated around your personal finances and investments.

Going it alone

Now isn’t the time to go it alone. We’re available to talk through any concerns you may have, as you navigate the continuing uncertainty the next few months have in store for all of us, financially and personally.

Financial advice is critical in uncertain economic times.

Source: IOOF