Tag Archives: Retirement Planning
Using the bucket strategy to make your money last longer
By Robert Wright /February 28,2025/

How do you find the sweet spot between using your retirement savings to enjoy a comfortable standard of living, and investing so you won’t run out of money in the future? It’s a big question for many retirees.
Two in three retirees (69%) are concerned about running out of money in retirement, according to new research from Colonial First State (CFS)*.
A total of 41% said they sometimes felt so concerned about running out of money that it affected how they used their retirement savings and their current standard of living. A further 28% said this fear affected them significantly. Just one in three said they never worried about it.
With that in mind, it’s worth understanding what’s known as the ‘bucket strategy’ for how to manage your savings in retirement.
This strategy was conceived as a way for retirees to balance spending with the need to preserve capital and invest to grow your future retirement savings to last the distance.
How much you put into each bucket, and how you invest those buckets will depend on your level of retirement savings, the lifestyle you want in retirement, your risk appetite and any other income you may have. It’s worth getting financial advice to ensure this approach is right for you.
What is the bucket strategy?
Simply put, the bucket strategy involves keeping your money in different investment types designed to deliver short term, medium term and long term returns.
- Short term bucket: This is money you think you’ll need to access in the next one to three years. Consider keeping it in cash, such as high yield savings accounts or term deposits with staggered maturity dates.
This is money to live on and perhaps an emergency fund for those unexpected expenses, such as when your washing machine stops working or your car conks out.
There should be enough to get you through a market downturn if needed, so you don’t need to cash in higher growth investments and turn paper losses into real ones or sell units in your pension investment option when they may have experienced a short term drop in value.
Factor in any other income, such as the Age Pension if you receive it, or any work income, and set aside money to cover the rest.
- Medium term bucket: Consider holding money you may need in the next four to six years in income producing, relatively ‘safe’ assets like high quality bonds, fixed income investments, low risk, dividend paying stocks or a balanced pension investment option.
This bucket is designed to help your retirement savings keep pace with inflation. If you hold too much in cash, your retirement savings won’t grow very quickly.
- Long term bucket: This is the money you want to invest to grow over the long term. It can be kept in higher growth investment types that are often seen as higher risk, such as a growth pension investment option or growth shares.
This should be money you won’t need to touch for seven to 10 years, which gives it time to grow irrespective of any short term market volatility that may occur.
More than half your retirement savings may be generated from earnings on your pension investment option after you have retired^, so it’s worth quarantining a good amount in your long term bucket.
How does it work?
The bucket strategy is intended to balance the need to preserve your capital in retirement by putting some of your savings into low risk cash options.
This enables retirees to access income when you need it without dipping into higher growth investments that will grow your retirement savings over the long term and can therefore provide peace of mind about spending while also helping your retirement savings last longer.
It can be particularly beneficial in times of market volatility, such as if there is a market downturn, to prevent you having to sell higher risk investments at an inopportune time.
Keeping all your retirement savings in conservative investment options or cash that may not keep pace with inflation may be low risk but it won’t provide you with the best retirement outcomes over the long term.
As the funds in bucket 1 are used, consider topping it up from bucket 2, or even bucket 3, depending on market conditions, what you’re invested in, and how your investments are performing.
As mentioned, how much you put into each bucket, and how you invest those buckets will differ depending on your individual situation. It’s worth getting financial advice to ensure this approach is right for you.
And this strategy may require more active management of your retirement savings than some people may be comfortable with.
But the bucket strategy offers built in diversification by incorporating different investment types and time frames and can be useful for helping you decide how much to spend and how much to invest for the long term.
* Financial literacy and retirement study conducted between July and September 2024. Respondents included 834 retiree respondents.
^ Calculations by CFS. Projection starts at age 25 (with salary of $100,000), retirement at age 65 and super lasts until age 92. Superannuation earnings, tax on earnings, investment and administration fees, and yearly indexation of contributions and income stream payments, are based on the default assumptions used in ASIC’s Moneysmart calculator, available at moneysmart.gov.au as at August 2024.
Source: CFS
Pros and cons of Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs)
By Robert Wright /November 20,2024/

While self managed super funds are not for everyone, they do offer significant benefits. Running an SMSF successfully requires investment, legal, super and admin skills – or the ability to get help from people who have those skills.
Having control over how your retirement savings are invested is one of the many benefits of SMSFs.
On the flip side, the responsibilities and management skills required to run an SMSF are significant. This is because you’re accountable for your SMSFs regulatory compliance, not your accountant, financial adviser or solicitor.
What is an SMSF?
An SMSF is a private super fund you manage yourself, giving you more control over how your retirement savings are invested.
SMSF members must be trustees (or directors of the self managed super fund corporate trustee) and are beneficiaries of their SMSF. This means SMSF members are responsible for managing the fund’s investments and compliance with super and tax laws. This hands on approach sets SMSFs apart from public super funds, which are managed by financial institutions.
Benefits of SMSFs
- Access to more investment options
Having an SMSF provides more choice and freedom to access investment options that would otherwise be unavailable through a public super fund. This includes assets like real property, art and collectibles (such as stamps and coins), as well as physical gold.
Unlike investing with an industry, bank or retail super fund, your SMSF can borrow to invest in property, using a Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement (LRBA).
This strategy is a good option to help expand your investment portfolio. However, there are restrictions and compliance requirements. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has warned investors of the dangers of over investing (and over borrowing) into property within SMSFs.
- Control
If you’re a member of an SMSF, you have greater control over how your super’s invested while working, and how it’s paid when you retire.
This means you can invest in many of the products available to public super funds, as well as some products that aren’t. For example, SMSFs can invest directly in real estate, rather than being restricted to property trusts as many public funds are.
- Tax benefits
You’re entitled to the same reduced tax rates that are available through super so your investment return is taxed at a maximum of 15% (provided that your SMSF is a complying fund) rather than your personal income tax rate which could be as high as 45%. In addition, any payments received after the age of 60 are tax free.
These tax benefits are common to all super funds, not just SMSFs. However, SMSFs have more flexibility to use tax strategies around capital gains, taxable income or franking credits.
- More scale to access opportunities
Generally speaking, an SMSF can have up to six members. Bringing six investors’ money together, offers greater scale to access investment opportunities that may not be available to you as an individual investor.
Having scale may also help to keep fees down. This is because you can pool your assets and share expenses, leading to potential cost savings, which means you may have more funds available for investment growth.
- Estate planning
One often overlooked advantage of an SMSF is that they can provide greater flexibility or control with estate planning, if a member was to pass away.
An SMSF trust deed may also provide how and to whom death benefits will be distributed as long as these align with super law. The deed may also allow for cascading death benefit nominations or the exclusion of certain beneficiaries. Benefits could also be distributed to beneficiaries in a tax effective way.
Considerations to be aware of with SMSFs
- Responsibility
Managing an SMSF is not easy. As the trustee, you need to ensure the fund complies with all relevant regulations otherwise you could face severe consequences for getting it wrong.
If the fund is deemed to have breached its compliance responsibilities, penalties can include fines and civil or criminal proceedings. Depending on the offense, tax penalties could be increased, including fund returns being taxed at the top marginal tax rate as opposed to the concessional super rate of 15%.
- Expertise
What investors often overlook is the financial and investment expertise required to run, or be involved in running an SMSF.
As a trustee, you’ll be responsible for creating and implementing your own investment strategy – one that will need to deliver enough returns to adequately fund your retirement.
This means you need to:
- Understand how investment markets work, including share markets.
- Record your investments and transactions.
- Ensure your fund is adequately diversified to help manage risk.
You’ll also need to remain up to date on any changes to legislation that affect SMSFs as these may have compliance requirements.
An understanding of how to manage legal documents, such as a trust deed, is also beneficial. However, a legal professional could help you with this.
- Time
The administration and management of an SMSF is time intensive so if time is something you’re short of, an SMSF may not be a good option. On the other hand, many SMSF investors enjoy the sense of involvement and purpose that running their own fund brings.
- Higher insurance costs
Public super funds can generally provide cheaper insurance to their members than SMSFs. This is because they have large memberships and can negotiate discounted bulk premiums with insurance providers.
- Outsourcing your SMSF to professionals
If you find you don’t have the time or investment knowledge to manage your SMSF, you can outsource this to investment managers, financial advisers or other experts. This will come at an additional cost though.
- Minimum amount required for SMSFs
There is a lot of controversy around what should be a reasonable amount to set up an SMSF.
There’s no minimum amount required to set up an SMSF but depending on the fund’s complexity and structure, set up costs, administration, reporting and legal fees, it can become expensive. It’s generally more cost effective if your SMSF has a higher balance.
Source: MLC
Mortgage versus super – a common dilemma
By Robert Wright /August 23,2024/

Conventional wisdom used to dictate Australians were better paying off their home loans, and then, once debt free turning their attention to building up their super. But with interest rates ramping up over the past two years and uncertainty as to when they are likely to reduce, what’s the right strategy in the current market?
It’s one of the most common questions financial advisers get. Are clients better off putting extra money into superannuation or the mortgage? Which strategy will leave them better off over time? In the super versus mortgage debate, no two people will get the same answer – but there are some rules of thumb you can follow to work out what’s right for you.
One thing to consider is the interest rate on your home loan, in comparison to the rate of return on your super fund. As banks ramped up interest rates following the RBA hikes over the past two years, you may find the returns you get in your super fund has potentially shrunk in comparison.
Super is also built on compounding interest. A dollar invested in super today may significantly grow over time. Keep in mind that the return you receive from your super fund in the current market may be different to returns you receive in the future. Markets go up and down and without a crystal ball, it’s impossible to accurately predict how much money you’ll make on your investment.
Each dollar going into the mortgage is from ‘after-tax’ dollars, whereas contributions into super can be made in ‘pre-tax’ dollars. For the majority of Australians, saving into super will reduce their overall tax bill – remembering that pre-tax contributions are capped at $30,000 annually and taxed at 15% by the government (30% if you earn over $250,000) when they enter the fund.
So, with all that in mind, how does it stack up against paying off your home loan? There are a couple of things you need to weigh up.
- Consider the size of your loan and how long you have left to pay it off
A dollar saved into your mortgage right at the beginning of a 30-year loan will have a much greater impact than a dollar saved right at the end.
- The interest on a home loan is calculated daily
The more you pay off early, the less interest you pay over time. In a higher interest rate environment many homeowners, particularly those who bought a home some time ago on a variable rate, will now be paying much more each month for their home loan.
- Offset or redraw facility
If you have an offset or redraw facility attached to your mortgage you can also access extra savings at call if you need them. This is different to super where you can’t touch your earnings until preservation age or certain conditions of release are met.
Don’t discount the ‘emotional’ aspect here as well. Many individuals may prefer paying off their home sooner rather than later and welcome the peace of mind that comes with clearing this debt. Only then will they feel comfortable in adding to their super.
Before making a decision, it’s also important to weigh up your stage in life, particularly your age and your appetite for risk.
Whatever strategy you choose you’ll need to regularly review your options if you’re making regular voluntary super contributions or extra mortgage repayments. As bank interest rates move and markets fluctuate, the strategy you choose today may be different from the one that is right for you in the future.
Case study where investing in super may be the best strategy
Barry is 55, single and earns $90,000 pa. He currently has a mortgage of $200,000, which he wants to pay off before he retires in 10 years’ time at age 65.
His current mortgage is as follows:
Mortgage | $200,000 |
Interest rate | 6.80% pa |
Term of home loan remaining | 20 years |
Monthly repayment (post tax) | $1,526.68 per month |
Barry has spare net income and is considering whether to:
- make additional / extra repayments to his home mortgage (in post-tax dollars) to repay his mortgage in 10 years, or
- invest the pre-tax equivalent into superannuation as salary sacrifice and use the super proceeds at retirement to pay off the mortgage.
Assuming the loan interest rate remains the same for the 10-year period, Barry will need to pay an extra $775 per month post tax to clear the mortgage at age 65.
Alternatively, Barry can invest the pre-tax equivalent of $775 per month as a salary sacrifice contribution into super. As he earns $90,000 pa, his marginal tax rate is 32% (including the 2% Medicare levy), so the pre-tax equivalent is $1,148 per month. This equals to $13,776 pa and after allowing for the 15% contributions tax, he’ll have 85% of the contribution or $11,710 working for his super in a tax concessional environment.
To work out how much he’ll have in super in 10 years, we’re using the following super assumptions:
- The salary sacrifice contributions, when added to his employer super guarantee contributions, remain within the $30,000 pa concessional cap.
- His super is invested in 70% growth / 30% defensive assets, returning a gross return of 3.30% pa income (50% franked) and 2.81% pa growth.
- A representative fee of 0.50% pa of assets has been used.
If these assumptions remain the same over the 10-year period, Barry will have an extra $161,216 in super. His outstanding mortgage at that time is $132,662 and after he repays this balance from his super (tax free as he is over 60), he will be $28,554 in front. Of course, the outcome may be different if there are changes in interest rates and super returns in that period.
Case study where paying off the mortgage may be the best strategy
40 year old Duy and 37 year old Emma are a young professional couple who have recently purchased their first apartment.
They’re both on a marginal tax rate of 39% (including the 2% Medicare levy) and they have the capacity to direct an extra $1,000 per month into their mortgage, or alternatively, use the pre-tax equivalent to make salary sacrifice contributions to super.
Given their marginal tax rates, it would make sense mathematically to build up their super.
However, they’re planning to have their first child within the next five years and Emma will only return to work part-time. They will need savings to cover this period, as well as assist with private school fees.
Given their need to access some savings for this event, it would be preferable to direct the extra savings towards their mortgage, and redraw it as required, rather than place it into super where access is restricted to at least age 60.
Before weighing up your options and considering which approach may be right for you, talk to your financial adviser.
Source: AMP
Is it worth salary sacrificing into super?
By Robert Wright /August 23,2024/

Let’s explore the ins and outs of salary sacrificing into your super and help you determine if it’s worth considering as part of your financial strategy.
We’re all familiar with the concept of super. It’s that portion of our salary that employers are required to contribute to a super fund on our behalf, with the goal of providing us with financial security in retirement.
But what not everyone is aware of, is that relying solely on your employer’s contributions might not be enough to ensure a comfortable retirement. That’s where salary sacrificing into super comes into play.
What is salary sacrificing into super?
Salary sacrificing into super involves redirecting a portion of your pre-tax salary into your super fund. Instead of receiving this portion as part of your take-home pay, it goes straight into your super account.
Here’s how it works:
- Agreement – You and your employer agree to salary sacrifice a specific amount or percentage of your pre-tax salary into your super fund. This amount is in addition to the compulsory employer contributions.
- Pre-tax – The sacrificed amount is deducted from your gross (pre-tax) salary, reducing your taxable income. This means you pay less income tax on your take-home pay.
- Super contributions – The sacrificed amount is added to your superannuation contributions, helping you build a more substantial retirement nest egg.
The benefits of salary sacrificing into super
- Tax savings – One of the primary advantages of salary sacrificing into super is the potential for significant tax savings. The sacrificed amount is taxed at the concessional super tax rate of 15%, which is typically lower than the tax rate you pay on your income. This means you get to keep more of your money while still saving for retirement. You may pay additional 15% tax on all or part of your salary sacrifice if your income exceeds $250,000. In this case, the effective tax on your contributions may be up to 30%, which is still less than the highest tax rate of 45%.
- Faster retirement savings growth – By contributing more to your super fund through salary sacrificing, you’re accelerating the growth of your retirement savings. Your money is invested over an extended period, potentially leading to more substantial gains through compound investment returns. Compound investment returns refer to earning money not just on the original investment but also on the accumulated growth gained over the period since the investment was made.
- Lower taxable income – Since the sacrificed amount is deducted from your pre-tax salary, your taxable income is reduced. This can have several additional benefits, such as qualifying you for certain concessions, reducing the Medicare Levy and helping you stay in a lower tax bracket (salary sacrifice contributions are not subject to the Medicare Levy or the Medicare Levy Surcharge. This can lead to significant tax savings, especially for higher income earners.)
- Automatic savings – Salary sacrificing is an automated process. The money is taken out of your pay before you even see it, which can help you build disciplined savings habits.
- Long-term financial security – Salary sacrificing into super is a smart way to attain long-term financial security during your retirement years. It provides peace of mind, knowing that you’re taking proactive steps to build a comfortable retirement nest egg.
Things to consider before salary sacrificing into super
- Contribution caps – The annual limit on the amount you can salary sacrifice into super without incurring additional tax in Australia is $30,000 from 1 July 2024. The cap limits change over time so it’s important to be aware of the current contribution cap limit. Those who have a superannuation balance of less than $500,000 on 30 June 2024 may have a concessional cap of up to $162,500 in 2024/25. This includes the annual $30,000 cap, $25,000 for 2019/20 and 2020/21, and $27,500 for 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24. This is based on the five-year carry forward rules.
- Your financial goals – Consider your overall financial goals when deciding how much to salary sacrifice into super. You should strike a balance between your short-term and long-term financial needs. If you have pressing financial commitments, it might not be wise to sacrifice too much of your current income. What kind of lifestyle do you envision for your retirement? The more comfortable you want it to be, the more you may need to save.
- Reduced take-home pay – Salary sacrificing means you’ll have less money in your take-home pay. This can be challenging if you’re on a tight budget or have immediate financial needs, such as your mortgage.
- Investment risk – Your salary sacrifice contributions are invested, and like any investment, they come with inherent risks. Depending on market performance, your super balance can fluctuate.
- Access to funds – Remember that once your money is in your super fund, you generally can’t access it until retirement or you meet certain conditions. Ensure you have enough liquid assets outside of super, such as cash or shares, to cover emergencies or short-term financial needs. Super is designed for retirement savings, so accessing your money before you reach preservation age can be challenging. Preservation age varies from 55 to 60, depending on when you were born. If you were born on or after 1 July 1964 your preservation age will be 60. From 1 July 2024, the preservation age will be 60.
- Seeking advice – It’s a good idea to consult with a financial adviser or accountant before implementing a salary sacrifice strategy. They can help you assess your unique financial situation and provide personalised recommendations.
Is it worth salary sacrificing into super?
The answer depends on your individual financial circumstances and goals. Do you have outstanding debts or immediate financial needs that should take priority over extra super contributions? It’s crucial to have a solid financial foundation before diverting funds into super.
For many Australians, especially those who can afford to do so, salary sacrificing into super can be a highly effective way to boost retirement savings, enjoy tax benefits, and secure long-term financial stability.
Higher income earners tend to benefit more from salary sacrificing due to the potential for substantial tax savings but the benefits are not exclusive to that income bracket.
It is sensible to strike a balance that suits your overall financial plan and to stay informed about any changes in legislation or contribution caps. As your financial circumstances are unique to you, consider seeking professional advice to help you make the best decision for your future.
Source: MLC