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Economic Update

Read the latest monthly market update– covering economic and investment market issues from around the world, as well as locally.

Stop the winter blues from getting you down

Winter is upon us and as the nights get colder and the days get shorter, it’s easy for the best of us to feel a little down. In cold weather we feel like eating more, drinking more and venturing out less – which unfortunately doesn’t bode well with our health and wellbeing…or the waistline.

Will you outlive your Retirement Savings?

When we think about what our lives may be like once we finally leave the workforce and retire, we tend to imagine a comfortable lifestyle with time spent on hobbies, travel and other leisure activities. However the reality for many Australians is quite different.

Are you better off buying Insurance through your super?

When it comes to arranging insurance it’s important to decide what types of insurance are available to you and what you’ll need for your particular life circumstances. From here you’ll need to consider whether you should keep it inside your super fund or set it up separately.