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Downsizing your home? Understanding the downsizer contribution

If you’re aged 65 years or older, you may be eligible to make a downsizer contribution of up to $300,000 to a complying super fund from the proceeds of the sale of your primary residence, which is owned for 10 years or more.

Retirement Realities: Five Tips for Rebuilding a Super Future

Australians will need to rebuild their superannuation and retirement savings, after withdrawing more than $36 billion in early super release payments in 2020, according to Colonial First State’s Retirement Realities Series.

How much do I need in my emergency fund?

In these uncertain times, it pays to have money set aside to give you peace of mind that if your income drops, you still have ample funds to pay for your everyday expenses until you get back on your feet again.

Adding more to your retirement savings: is it worth it?

Adding more into super is not only a good way to invest your income, it also helps your retirement savings grow so that when you do retire, your money will still be worth something.