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Expanding SMSFs for the expanding family?

It has finally happened. Recommended by the Cooper Super System review in 2010, put forward in the Federal Budget four years ago by then Treasurer Scott Morrison and finally passed on 17 June 2021, the maximum amount of members allowed in a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) has expanded from four to six.

What to do when your fixed rate home loan term is ending

Many Australians were fortunate to lock in record low interest rates but this may be drawing to an end. A large portion of mortgages will be approaching the end of their fixed term, leaving many households paying two to three times their current fixed rate.

Five charts on investing to keep in mind in rough times

Every so often the degree of uncertainty around investment markets surges and that’s been the case for more than a year now reflecting the combination of high inflation, rapid interest rate hikes, the high and rising risk of recession which has been added to in the last few weeks by problems in US and European banks.

Where is the Recession?

As we begin 2023, there’s a greater level of clarity around some of the questions that have driven markets over the last year. Now, the focus of policymakers has shifted towards restoring balance in the labour market and doing “whatever it takes” to bring inflation to the targeted level.